Monthly Meetings: "Inside Story – Who Killed Martin Luther King?" – April 2014

This month marks the 46th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. To honor his life, we will screen the rarely seen documentary “Inside Story – Who Killed Martin Luther King?” (64 minutes). This film reveals much of the evidence that led up to and was uncovered in the landmark 1999 wrongful death […]

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Denver, Boulder, and Grand Junction Monthly Meetings: “TWA Flight 800” – February 2014

TWA FLIGHT 800 is a thought-provoking, 90-minute documentary about TWA Flight 800 to Paris, which exploded on July 17, 1996, just 12 minutes after takeoff from JFK International Airport, killing all 230 people on board. The film features six former members of the official crash investigation who break their silence to refute the officially proposed […]

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Conspiracy Theory in America: Author to Speak in Denver

We are indeed pleased to co-sponsor the author of the newly released book, Conspiracy Theory in America, Dr. Lance deHaven-Smith. He will be in Denver, Colorado, for two presentations and book signings. Dr. deHaven-Smith will discuss the history and destructive implications of the term “conspiracy theory.” He will also share with us his research on […]

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An Overview of State Crimes Against Democracy by Daniel K. Sage, PhD  State Crimes Against Democracy (SCAD).  Dr. Lance deHaven-Smith (2006; 2010; 2013) has offered a penetratingly useful approach to better diagnose the American political/psychological complex that is reflected in widespread citizen feelings of distrust, being threatened, and being shamed by our political-corporate Empire.  It is evident that this political/psychological complex exacerbates the wider and deeper […]

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