NEW ADDITION: Grand Junction Monthly Meetings; and Current Events in the 9/11 Truth Movement

Monthly 9/11 Truth meetings will now be held in Grand Junction, Colorado! Please let your friends in this area of our beautiful state know, and encourage them to sign up for our emails to keep abreast of these events. While the Grand Junction group will usually show the same videos as Denver and Boulder, at […]

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Denver and Boulder Monthly Meetings: Money and Debt – October 2011

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.  If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property – until […]

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Denver and Boulder Monthly Meetings: Major General Smedley Butler "The Plot to Overthrow FDR" and Naomi Wolf "The End of America" – September 2011

This month we will expand our view to the context in which a false flag event such as September 11, 2001, could occur.  In the United States, there have historically been constant efforts by well-heeled interests to crush our democratic republic.  We will explore two of these. The Plot to Overthrow Franklin D. Roosevelt   (41 […]

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Denver and Boulder Monthly Meetings: "Creating a New Path to Peace and Prosperity" – August 2011

At our monthly meetings for August, we will view a recently released DVD of an event held May 19, 2011, in Oakland, California.  The event was sponsored by The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and Project Censored. Creating a New Path to Peace and Prosperity Senator Mike Gravel and Lt. Col. Bob Bowman on Empowering […]

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Denver and Boulder Monthly Meetings: "War Promises" – July 2011

This month we will present the documentary film, War Promises, which gives a German  perspective on the attacks of September 11, 2001, and the so-called “Global War on Terror.”  We are shown that the motivation behind 9/11 is the neo-conservative call for military “full spectrum dominance.” Harold Pinter referred to the term in his 2005  […]

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