Denver, Boulder, and Grand Junction Monthly Meetings: "You, Me and the SPP" – March 2012

What do secrecy, police provocateurs, an assault on democracy, and infringements on citizens’ rights have in common? The answer? The Security Prosperity Partnership (SPP). Colorado 9/11 Visibility is proud to present this month the latest, feature length, documentary film by Paul Manly, You, Me and the SPP, which exposes the latest manifestation of a corporatist […]

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Denver and Boulder Monthly Meetings: David Ray Griffin – "9/11: Why Do Bill Moyers and Robert Parry Accept Miracles?" Grand Junction: "Gasland" – February 2012

Scroll down for announcements of events by other organizations, with a few corrections. This month Colorado 9/11 Visibility is proud to present Dr. David Ray Griffin’s brilliant challenge to the progressive media:  9/11: Why Do Bill Moyers and Robert Parry Accept Miracles? (1 hour, 15 minutes) Hosted by philosopher, educator, activist, and author Dr. Richard Curtis, […]

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Denver, Boulder, and Grand Junction Monthly Meetings: "THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?" – Dec 2011/Jan 2012

During this season of light and hope, we are honored to present the inspiring documentary film THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?           (2 hours, 12 minutes) Foster Gamble, Executive Producer, was heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune and was groomed to be a financial leader. Instead, he chose a different […]

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Foreign Policy Journal: "9/11 and Skeptic Magazine’s ‘Science’ of Controlled Demolitions"

The debate of March 6, 2011, at the Boulder campus of the University of Colorado, between Richard Gage, AIA, and Chris Mohr, Denver investigative journalist, continues with this excellent rebuttal by Jeremy Hammond to Chris Mohr’s claims.  A dialog between Mr. Hammond and Mr. Mohr is also posted at the end of this article.  Here […]

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Denver and Boulder Monthly Meetings: Major General Smedley Butler "The Plot to Overthrow FDR" and Naomi Wolf "The End of America" – September 2011

This month we will expand our view to the context in which a false flag event such as September 11, 2001, could occur.  In the United States, there have historically been constant efforts by well-heeled interests to crush our democratic republic.  We will explore two of these. The Plot to Overthrow Franklin D. Roosevelt   (41 […]

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