Foreign Policy Journal: "9/11 and Skeptic Magazine’s ‘Science’ of Controlled Demolitions"

The debate of March 6, 2011, at the Boulder campus of the University of Colorado, between Richard Gage, AIA, and Chris Mohr, Denver investigative journalist, continues with this excellent rebuttal by Jeremy Hammond to Chris Mohr’s claims.  A dialog between Mr. Hammond and Mr. Mohr is also posted at the end of this article.  Here […]

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Tenth Anniversary Message From Interlink Publisher: September 11, 2011

September 11, 2001 is a date forever etched in our collective memory. No one can forget what happened on that fateful day: the horrific attacks, the innocent people who died when the towers collapsed; the bravery and heroic sacrifices of rescue workers and service men and women; and, not in the least, the death, destruction, […]

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“Newton vs. NIST * – How World Trade Center Building 7 Fell on 9/11” – A Talk by Engineer Kathy McGrade

Special Forum Program – Wednesday, August 10, 2011 – 7:00 p.m. in Colvin Commons, First Universalist Church, 4101 E. Hampden Ave., Denver Presented by Kathy McGrade, Engineer Kathy McGrade, a Silicon Valley engineer, has read the entire NIST report on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11 and she has a sharp […]

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Denver and Boulder Monthly Meetings: "San Francisco Press Conference" 1,000 Architects and Engineers Milestone – June 2011

This month we are pleased to present the historic San Francisco Press Conference held February 19, 2010, by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.  At this event, a special panel of guests commemorates having reached the critical milestone of 1,000 (now over 1,500) architect and engineer petition signers—all demanding a real investigation into the explosive demolition of […]

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Denver and Boulder Monthly Meetings: "Firehouse 911" With Firefighter Eric Lawyer, Founder of Firefighters For 9/11 Truth – May 2011

1) This month, we are pleased to present Firehouse 911, the video about 9/11 by firefighters for firefighters, and everyone else.  There is currently underway a campaign to send this DVD to every firehouse in America. Firehouse 911 depicts the best of the May 2010 presentation, 9/11 Myths Exposed: Firefighters, Architects, and Engineers Reinvestigate the Destruction […]

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