Announcing the International Center for 9/11 Justice

Colorado 9/11 Truth is excited to let you know that a new 9/11 Truth organization has been launched – the International Center for 9/11 Justice! Following is a letter from Executive Director Ted Walter (pictured below right) and Board Members James Gourley, David Chandler, Marilyn Langlois, Piers Robinson, Kevin Ryan, and Elizabeth Woodworth. The late […]

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Breaking News! New York Area Fire Commissioners Make History, Call for New 9/11 Investigation

New York Area Fire Commissioners Make History! Firefighters are normally quiet about what happened on 9/11. That silence was broken by the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District of Queens, New York, on July 24, 2019. On that day, the five Commissioners of that district broke the taboo barrier, unanimously, becoming the first legislative body […]

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A New WTC 7 Investigtion in 2015?! Announcing the NYC CAN "High-Rise Safety Initiative"

Our friends at NYC CAN have another initiative for this fall’s New York City ballot—the “High-Rise Safety Initiative.” We believe this one will make it to the NYC ballot, but read for yourself the letter below from Richard Gage, AIA, to see why. Importantly, two anonymous donors have pledged $50,000 to match every dollar donated […]

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