Special Announcements: Update regarding monthly meetings: Beginning this fall, Colorado 9/11 Truth will offer either a 9/11 video showing or a speaking event quarterly, rather than the monthly video meetings we have held for the last eleven years! This will enable us to focus our efforts more on other outreach and educational activities. For example, […]
Special Events
Kevin Barrett to talk at the Mercury Cafe: “We Are Not Charlie Hebdo”
Rescheduled! Kevin Barrett on KGNU Radio today, Thursday, July 16, at 3:00 p.m. Due to the summer pledge drive, Dr. Kevin Barrett’s interview on KGNU radio last week was cancelled. It has been rescheduled for today, Thursday, July 16 from 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Dr. Barrett is a longtime 9/11 Truth activist and host of […]
Barbara Honegger in Colorado on The Pentagon Attack – January 2014
Behind the Smoke Curtain: What Happened At The Pentagon on 9/11 And What Didn’t, And Why It Matters Barbara Honegger, M.S., Former White House Policy Analyst, Department of Defense Senior Military Affairs Journalist, 2000-2011 Two Colorado Presentations in Person January 22 and 23, 2014 Barbara Honegger is coming to Colorado this month! She will give […]
Conspiracy Theory in America: Author to Speak in Denver
We are indeed pleased to co-sponsor the author of the newly released book, Conspiracy Theory in America, Dr. Lance deHaven-Smith. He will be in Denver, Colorado, for two presentations and book signings. Dr. deHaven-Smith will discuss the history and destructive implications of the term “conspiracy theory.” He will also share with us his research on […]
PRESS ADVISORY: Denver Architects AIA Convention Challenged with New 9/11 WTC Evidence
AE911Truth Contact: Kelly David Phone: (925) 939-9002 Email: [email protected] Denver Architects AIA Convention Challenged with New 9/11 WTC Evidence Architects and Engineers group says official reports Deeply Flawed, Calls for New Investigation Local Contact: Frances Shure Phone: 303-909-2053 Email: [email protected] Non-profit org: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Announcing: Richard Gage, AIA, […]