We hope you enjoy these two recent 9/11 Truth interviews from across the pond! Richard Gage (richardgage911.org) interviewed by George Galloway on The Mother of All Talk Radio Shows (16 minutes)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=as1kdGZ4VMw David Chandler (scientistsfor911truth.com) interviewed by James Robertson on The Loft Project (90 minutes).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_ApQwdNQ30 Make a Donation to Colorado 9/11 Truth! Colorado 9/11 Truth exists […]
Scientists for 9/11 Truth
Videos of the Conference on the 9/11 Pentagon Evidence

We are pleased to make these videos available from the May 4th Conference on the 9/11 Pentagon Evidence. You can also go to Scientists for 9/11 Truth for these same videos. Besides the speakers a number of people notable in the 9/11 Truth Movement were in attendance. In a “debriefing” on the day after the […]
Conference on the 9/11 Pentagon Evidence, May 4, Denver

Conference on the 9/11 Pentagon Evidence Saturday, May 4, 2019 / 9:00am – 4:30pm University Park United Methodist Church (East Fellowship Hall) 2180 S. University Boulevard Denver, Colorado (Parking: From Josephine St., one block east of University Blvd., enter the two parking lots on the north side of the church. If the lots are full, […]