Janice Matthews, Co-Founder of 911Truth.org
1960 — 2021

It grieves me deeply to share that Janice Matthews passed away suddenly and unexpectedly from a heart attack on Saturday, February 27, in her hometown of Kansas City while visiting family. She was one of the co-founders and Executive Director of 911Truth.org, the seminal organization that put the 9/11 Truth Movement on a solid footing. While I never met her in person, I always felt her warmth, friendship, and support.For more about Janice, including a wonderful and informative 2007 interview with Carol Brouillet, click here.
The following obituary is from Mike Berger, her confidant and collaborator:
Janice Matthews was a fearless activist who shined light on diverse issues that a more conventional person would blot out to avoid the pain. She demonstrated boundless courage in speaking truth to power. Janice wrote, edited, or curated the majority of the thousands of articles and scholarly papers at this site [911Truth.org]. The wide range of topics reflect her insatiable curiosity and incurable hope to contribute to waking our collective conscience.
She applied her knowledge of people’s movements to facilitate activism and encourage ordinary people to become participants and leaders in their own lives and communities. She challenged false divisions by building and strengthening connections with people from all walks of life and points of view. Janice encouraged us to take personal responsibility for creating a more just world that restores power to the people. She embodied impeccable integrity. I was fortunate to call her my friend and comrade-in-arms. May her memory be a blessing.
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