Friday, May 15, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m.
Hooked on Colfax Coffee
3213 E. Colfax Avenue, DenverBOULDER
Wednesday, May 27, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.
CU Boulder Campus, ATLAS Building, Room 1B25
(Down one flight from the main entry level)
Featured Video: Counter-Intelligence, Part V: Drone Nation
(50 minutes)

This month we will screen the 5th part of the revealing and excellent five-part documentary Counter-Intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations.
Part V: Drone Nation begins with the signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) by President Obama. This legislation makes it possible for Americans to be subject to indefinite detention without trial or due process of law. American citizens can now even be targeted for assassination, including the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) / Drone Aircraft (Drones) to assassinate people on the U.S. government’s “Kill List.”
A study conducted by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism revealed that only 1.5% of the people killed from drone strikes in Pakistan have been “high value targets.” The remaining 98.5% are made up of civilians and the classification “other.” The “other” category consists of any (civilian) male of “military-age” who is killed in the vicinity of a drone strike.
Drone Nation investigates the latest UAV technology, fully autonomous UAVs, and sentry robots (killer robots). Also included are clips of CIA officer Philip Agee, CIA Station Chief John Stockwell, Daniel Ellsberg, whistle-blower Bradley Manning, CIA analyst Ray McGovern, CIA officer William Christison, and others who have courageously spoken out about illegal U.S. covert operations.
Counter-Intelligence is a 5-part documentary that explores, in depth, the vast, sprawling and secret National Security State that operates throughout the United States—and indeed the world. The series examines the foundations of the Military-Industrial-Intelligence Complex, charting through to the myriad consequences in today’s world where secret intelligence organizations continue to hijack governments, manipulate elections, overthrow foreign governments, and commit State Crimes Against Democracy and heinous crimes against humanity, all under the guise of “national security,” “spreading democracy,” “fighting communism,” and “fighting terrorism.” In the wake of the continuing revelations of the NSA’s PRISM clandestine surveillance program, this documentary is now more important than ever to provide a solid historical context to the workings of the rapacious and ever-expanding National Security State.
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“An extraordinary work by a gifted filmmaker, Counter-Intelligence shines sunlight into the darkest crevices of empire run amok. The film vividly exposes a monstrous and unconstitutional ‘deep state’ in which multiple competing chains of command—all but one illegal—hijack government capabilities and taxpayer funds to commit crimes against humanity in our name. Anyone who cares about democracy, good government, and the future will want to watch all five segments of this remarkable film.”
– Robert David Steele Vivas: Former CIA Officer, USMC
Counter-Intelligence, as well as the other excellent documentaries by Scott Noble, can be viewed at the filmmaker’s website: or
We will also screen a short 9/11 documentary.
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Related films:
Counter-Intelligence – Part IV: Necrophilous at:
or at
Where: Hooked on Colfax Coffeehouse,
3213 E. Colfax Ave., Denver (303-398-2665)
(1/2 mile west of Colorado Blvd., between Adams and Steele, on north side of Colfax) (Map)
Please observe the parking signs: Steele St., 16th Ave., and Colfax Ave. usually have available parking spaces.
*Admission is free; donations are welcome, and buy a beverage from Hooked on Colfax to support them.*
Meeting Timeline:
7:00 – 7:15 p.m. Announcements and personal outreach stories
7:15 – 8:45 p.m. Screening documentaries
8:45 – 9:30 p.m. Discussion of films
When: Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 6:00 – 8:30 p.m.Where: CU Boulder Campus, ATLAS Center Building, Room 1B25
(Down one flight from the main entry level)
*Admission is free; donations are welcome*
Meeting Timeline:
6:00 – 6:10 p.m. Announcements
6:10 – 7:40 p.m. Screening documentaries
7:40 – 8:30 p.m. Discussion of films
Parking: Paid parking ($4 evening flat fee) is available in the Euclid Auto Park on Euclid Avenue (walk due north to the ATLAS Center Building) or in Lot 360 directly across the street from Folsom Field Stadium (walk due west to the ATLAS Center Building). See a campus map here: