This excellent essay by Mike Lofgren exposes what is “hiding in plain sight,” the Deep State, as opposed to our constitutional state, which has become a failure due to the financial drain of the Deep State’s military-industrial complex. Unfortunately, he begins his interview with Bill Moyers (see video below) denying that he is a “conspiracy theorist.” Evidently, he has not read about the origin of that term in Lance deHaven-Smith’s Conspiracy Theory in America. Lofgren also has not credited Peter Dale Scott with popularizing the term “deep state,” but nevertheless, this essay should help us understand the hybrid “state with a state,” called the Deep State.
Rome lived upon its principal till ruin stared it in the face. Industry is the only true source of wealth, and there was no industry in Rome. By day the Ostia road was crowded with carts and muleteers, carrying to the great city the silks and spices…