Geraldo Rivera covers the “one enduring mystery of 9/11”, the collapse of WTC7. Follow-up from Fox News program Freedom Watch with Judge Andrew Napolitano with an interview of Geraldo Rivera. The “BuildingWhat?” TV ad began airing on November 2 and will run through the week of November 15. It is scheduled to air […]
Fox News
Video – Press Coverage: Judge Andrew Napolitano, Fox Business Host, Reveals He Is A 9/11 Truther

Huffington Post 11-24-10 03:18 PM Fox Business host Andrew Napolitano revealed on Tuesday that he does not believe the government’s account of the 9/11 attacks. Napolitano, who hosts “Freedom Watch” on Fox Business and is frequently seen on Fox News as a legal analyst, told radio host Alex Jones — who is a prominent 9/11 […]