Colorado 9/11 Truth and 911Truth.Org Will Host a Zoom Presentation by Mike Berger
Sunday, December 13, 2020
6:00 – 7:30 p.m. MST (8:00 p.m. EST and 5:00 p.m. PST)

Mike has an encyclopedic knowledge of many 9/11 facts, especially more obscure ones that we may have either forgotten or never learned.
David Chandler, the host of this virtual gathering, will ask Mike to tell us what he knows about one item from each of the topics below. Afterward, there will be a Q & A. Mike has included links and MP3 attachments for you to explore before the Zoom, which may inspire your questions.
Fascinating Forgotten Facts about 9/11
A note from Mike Berger:
There has never been a shortage of solid evidence that contradicts the government narrative about what happened leading up to and on 9/11. Fran Shure has written extensively about the psychological resistance to “hearing” the 9/11 false flag evidence. Furthermore, even when presenting a simplified outline of the evidence, we tend to re-energize unconscious 9/11-related trauma, especially for those of us who lived through that day.
In this presentation of forgotten facts, I will attempt to present a truth-telling narrative that empowers, rather than invalidates, our ability to make sense of our world, to make the world a better place, and to be change agents.
Presentation Topics
- Dozens of warnings from many nations and heads of state
- CIA Director George Tenet’s “hair was on fire” [Fact #5] during the summer of threat leading up to 9/11
- Condi’s lies about having no idea “anyone would use a plane as a weapon” [Download: mp3 clip or listen below]
- NPR: David Welna speaks with Ike Skelton (R-MO) on steps of Capitol on 9/11. What did Congress know before 9/11? [Download: mp3 clip or listen below]
- The Lone Gunmen pilot episode
How’d that happen? Really?
- Tenet – Boren breakfast
- General Mahmood Ahmed of ISI – Ordered $100k wire transfer to Atta – has breakfast on 9/11 with Sen Bob Graham (D-FL) and Representative Porter Goss (R-FL)
- Bush Sr. and Carlysle Group breakfast
- Silverstein cancels breakfast meeting in WTC 7
- Who is J. Michael Springmann?
- 9/11 Omission Hearings – Mindy Kleinberg Testimony – 9/9/2004 at
Destruction of Evidence
- GZ Black Boxes at
- FAA Recordings of ATC personnel from NY Center destroyed
- CIA destroyed 92 interrogation tapes they said they never had
- CBOE Option Trade Records Destroyed, Deutsche Bank records destroyed & Fed Reserve Mysterious Currency Transfers
- Secret Service of logs of when Cheney was brought to the PEOC
- What is Convar?
- Evidence of Cover Up
Sarasota Saudis and the FBI
Able Danger
Norman Mineta Testimony
AWOL Chain of Command
George W. Bush
Dick Cheney & Donald Rumsfeld
Richard Clarke
Condi Rice
Gen. Myers
General Ralph Eberhart
Sibel Edmonds
Coleen Rowley
Robert Wright & Ptech
Mark Rossini
Mike Berger was born and raised about 20 minutes from Manhattan. He earned his degree in Sociology at Washington University with a focus on human motivation.
Nearly 18 months after the attacks, he began to question the official story when he read about significant purchases of put options prior to 9/11, on companies directly affected by the attacks. These large financial wagers, placed on the world’s stock and option’s markets, implied that sophisticated investors profited from foreknowledge of the attacks. This initiated more than a decade of research regarding details of the attacks and how legacy media both exposed and covered up credible facts that contradict the official conspiracy theory published in the 9/11 Commission Report and sold to the American public without providing context or connecting the dots.
As the media coordinator for, he has appeared on ABC World News Tonight, CNN Showbiz Tonight, and Scarborough Country as well as dozens of radio appearances including a debate with Matthew Rothschild, editor of The Progressive Magazine.
More than four years of investigation culminated in his first documentary, Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of our Republic (2006), the first film to thoroughly review the evidence for WTC demolitions from a scientific perspective.
The endless “War on Terror,” massive deficit spending, and radical changes in domestic and foreign policies, including curtailing the civil liberties of Americans, have been justified by the 9/11 attacks. And yet, the story put forward by the government of how the attacks unfolded without any effective response from our trillion dollar defense establishment contains hundreds of contradictions and outright lies. The failure to hold anyone at any level accountable for their failure to perform their duties sets a dangerous precedent.
Whether you believe some government officials were complicit or incompetent, the 9/11 story has far deeper roots and implications than simplified social media memes.
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This presentation is sponsored by Colorado 9/11 Truth.
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