9/11 Anniversary Events for 2020
Here are some of the many exciting 9/11 anniversary events this year, all online!
Some events will be archived and available for later viewing. Check links for details. The list is in chronological order.
Colorado 9/11 Truth
Fraud and Apocalypse: Presentation by Author Richard Behan
Sunday, August 30, 2020
6 pm PDT, 7 pm MDT, 8 pm CDT, 9 pm EDT
Sunday, August 30, 2020
6 pm PDT, 7 pm MDT, 8 pm CDT, 9 pm EDT
Professor Richard Behan will discuss his new book, Fraud and Apocalypse: The Backstory of George Bush’s Global War on Terrorism. The presentation will be a Zoom conference in the form of a conversational interview conducted by David Chandler. There will also be opportunities for Q & A.
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
9/11 Truth Film Festival
Thursday, September 10, 2020
12 pm PDT, 1 pm MDT, 2 pm CDT, 3 pm EDT (8-hour event)
Films will include Calling Out Bravo 7: The 2020 Edition (produced by Firefighters for 9/11 Truth); The Genesis of The 9/11 “War on Terror”: How Much Does Mainstream Academia Really Know? by Dr. Piers Robinson; and 9/11 Whistleblowers produced by James Corbett.
Featured speakers and panelists will include Kevin Ryan on The Parallels Between 9/11 and Covid-19; Jonathan Simon on Could the November Election be Stolen? ; Christopher Gioia, New York Fire Commissioner of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire Department; and Erik Lawyer, Founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth.
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Justice Rising
Justice Rising

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
September 11–13, 2020
Times vary each day – refer to link for details
https://www.ae911truth.org/justicerisingJustice Rising is an online conference on the struggle for 9/11 justice. The international lineup features some of the most highly regarded figures in the movement including David Ray Griffin, Niels Harrit, Steven Jones, Richard Gage, Leroy Hulsey, James Corbett, and many more! It will also offer a deep look into AE911Truth’s upcoming feature documentary SEVEN with director Dylan Avery.
September 11–13, 2020
Times vary each day – refer to link for details
https://www.ae911truth.org/justicerisingJustice Rising is an online conference on the struggle for 9/11 justice. The international lineup features some of the most highly regarded figures in the movement including David Ray Griffin, Niels Harrit, Steven Jones, Richard Gage, Leroy Hulsey, James Corbett, and many more! It will also offer a deep look into AE911Truth’s upcoming feature documentary SEVEN with director Dylan Avery.
Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry
Recognizing and Pushing Back the Post 9/11 Police State
Sunday, September 13, 2020
12 pm PDT, 1 pm MDT, 2 pm CDT, 3 pm EDT (3-hour event)
Recognizing and Pushing Back the Post 9/11 Police State
Sunday, September 13, 2020
12 pm PDT, 1 pm MDT, 2 pm CDT, 3 pm EDT (3-hour event)
This will be an educational zoom program featuring ten exceptional speakers including Francis Boyle, William Binney, Ray McGovern, Meryl Nass, Graeme McQueen, and Christopher Gioia. Supported by the Truth Action Project (TAP).
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